so nows as good of a time as any to state the basics. the point here is for me to post up some photography, and such. the "and such" part is quite unknown at this juncture. your guess is almost as good as mine (I'm a really good guesser). come for the pictures, stay for the biting sarcasm.... okay, so you might not be hanging around long, but i should at least have failrly regular updates on the photos.
feel free to comment the heck out the photos, that's part of the whole idea of releaseing some of my work to the masses. if you think something sucks, say so. i can take criticism. if you have some thoughts, let 'em out. whatever. if you just want to say that my work is tantamount to nitrate-rich fertilizer, you can say that too. i will of course be expecting proof of your genius with in 10 business days.
depending on how long i do this blog, you may see improvement as i become more adept at finding the face that i want (and as my eqiupment improves). this of course is presumptious, and my work could steadily decline to the point where i would be better off having Louis Braille shooting the camera. which brings us full circle back to the comments. the only way i'll know to hang it up is if the people tell me to stop pressing the shutter release.
i care little for exact spelling and correct grammer. sorry if my drivel is unreadable, that's the way it goes.
::dennis thiel::